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April 18, 2013

Solar System Myth Busting

How much about our Solar System do you think you know?
It has never ceased to amaze me how little people know about their own planet.  But to be fair, it is a huge planet…it is 24,901 miles around, and weighs in at 5.972 x 1024 or 5,972,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 Kg.  (1.31664252 × 1025 lbs).  That is a lot of Earth to learn about.  But today we are going to leave the comfort of our small Planet and venture out into the solar system.  But don’t worry, we won’t go too far in our myth busting adventures.  Today we will focus on tackling just 4 myths.  So without further delay, put on your space suits and let’s go!

April 2, 2013

Breaking Down the Myths on Weathering and Erosion

Breaking Down the Facts and Myths on Weathering and Erosion 

When I talk to people about Weathering and Erosion I can hear some crazy things.  Some people insist that because they can’t see it, it doesn’t happen.  Others will act as if this is an overnight process, which is also wrong.  The answer lies somewhere in between the two.  So let’s start breaking the barriers and getting this straight.