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February 18, 2013

Welcome to Earth Science 4 Everyone (ES4E)

Hello everybody and welcome to the newest addition to my blog family.  I have started and stopped other blogs in the past but this one is different...this one is *gasp* educational.  But it is more than that too!  My goal is make everyday people like you, and you...and even you, able to understand the Science all around you.

Everyday we take in thousands of sights and sounds.  All of which call 'Earth' their home.  So what exactly is Earth Science? Earth Science is defined as an "all-embracing term for the sciences related to the planet earth."  In other words as an Earth Scientist you study everything from the center of the Earth to the stars in the sky.  So for the more important question, what shall we talk about on this blog?

I don't want you to feel like you are in your high school science class.  I want to bring you historical facts as well as current events.  My goal is to keep this interesting and down to Earth (pun not intended).  So for now lets just sit back and relax, and see what topics will come to mind.

1 comment:

  1. I love your blog .. LOL I just found it .. great stuff ...keep writing .. we are writers you and I .. I wax philosophical .. you wax science .. :) xoxooxo Aunt Carolyn xoxoo
